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The WORLD is our home!

Hello! Welcome to my travel blog!

Come on a trip around the world with me!

Hello! Welcome to my travel blog!

Come on a trip around the world with me!

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Sewing in Nicaragua

Sewing in Nicaragua

Hello! Today I am going to tell you about Esther Esther is a lady from Light and salt ministries. She is in charge of the sewing program. she made the dress I am wearing in the photos. Where did we meet Esther? We met Esther at Light and Salt Ministries. What does the...

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Kaylas Blog

Rube Goldberg Machine/ Fundraiser

There is something cool that we did on Tuesday, January 24, 2023. We created an awesome amazing fantastic Rube Goldberg machine!!!! This is how it worked in my brother's words. I decided to make a Rube Goldberg machine. The first thing I needed was a nerf gun to start...

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This year I am entering into a Read-a-thon put on by my school.  I am planning on reading 13 books by the end of the read-a-thon.  Showputian, Daisy's cat, will be curled up next to me while I read.  I have found lots of schools in Nicaragua that are not with proper...

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Feed a Hungry Family

Feed a Hungry Family

How much does a Starbucks coffee cost? VENTE $2.45 CND How much does 3 pounds of beans and 3 pounds of rice cost?  150 Cordoba Beans cost 25 Cordoba per pound Rice costs 25 Cordoba per pound Canadian dollar is 25 Cordoba to 1 Canadian dollar This is Orlando, whose...

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Gracie trip to Nicaragua

Gracie trip to Nicaragua

Gracie went into the Vancouver airport. Oh I forgot to say helloooooooooo. This is the story of Gracie's trip to Nicaragua. We went straight to customs and Gracie was right behind the stroller. She didn’t know where we were going . I really love my dog by...

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Loosing a tooth in another country

I am losing a tooth in Costa Rica. Do they have tooth fairies in Nicaragua?  No! They throw their tooth on the roof and make a wish. I don't think that is as fun as getting money! What do you think?  We don't know about Costa Rica.  I think they have tooth...

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My Dog’s Trip to the Vet

My Dog’s Trip to the Vet

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Today we took my dog to the vet. Her name is Gracie.Gracie is a puppy. She is 4 months old. My dog’s breed is called a Collie/Australian Shepard.The name of the veterinarian clinic we took her to is River’s Animal Hospital. We...

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A Diamante Adventure!

A Diamante Adventure!

The Diamonte Adventure park started off just miles from a beautiful beach in Costa Rica.  What did we love about the park? We loved all of it!  They picked us up in great big jungle trucks. What was our favorite animal at the park to see? The Tucans! We...

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My Trip to Barkerville

My Trip to Barkerville

Barkerville A Little Bit of History It was founded after gold deposits were found in the caribou goldfields. but Barkerville was destroyed in a fire in 1868. Barker is a man who named Barkerville. Barker eventually ended up in Rich field trying his hand to a few spots...

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The School Play

The School Play

Hello! Today i am going to tell you about the school play I watched. It was at Melissa"s school by the way.  Which is in a city near where I live in Taiwan.  Melisa goes to school by taking the bus.   There was a group of people from a university that came to put on a...

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A Trip to Germany

A Trip to Germany

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!Today I am going to tell you about Teto's trip. She went to Germany to visit her parents. She saw castles there. She had a lot of fun there to. She got to ride on a train and saw a dog on its owners back!...

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The Gardener

The Gardener

This is my poem.  I hope you enjoy it.  I hope that I win the contest that this poem is in. There is 12 poems. I am the 9th from the top 10.  I might win.  

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Our Trip to See the Arenal Volcano and a Rain Forest

Our Trip to See the Arenal Volcano and a Rain Forest

Hello sorry it took so long to get this post up. It is a very old one.  I am going to tell you now about the trip to the Arena Volcano.  It was a long drive. It took longer than we expected it to.  We ended up only getting to go on one bridge. But we did...

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My Birthday Project for Malawi Africa

My Birthday Project for Malawi Africa

This year for my birthday, I going to raise money for the orphanage in Malawi Africa!  They are the children of Joan and Steward my aunt and uncle.  It is very exciting that they are helping children like these!  I love the children my age especially and seven and...

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A doggie bathroom in Houston Texas airport, USA!

A doggie bathroom in Houston Texas airport, USA!

What did we discover that no other airport we have seen yet in the world has? A doggie bathroom! Did it work? But did the doggie use the bathroom? How did it work? The pooh went into the fake grass and the people had to pick it up just like in a park...

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Differences in the Covid 19 world

Differences in the Covid 19 world

I am going to tell you about my view of Covid19. I have just come from Taiwan. Taiwan has done a great job of keeping their communities safe from the virus. Taiwan made everyone take temperatures, clean hands, and wear masks when they went to public places. The...

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Corn Island

Corn Island

Hello today i am going to give you a update on how we are doing here. My daddy has a new video to put up to. so i think i am going to put it up i also have some news we are going home in five days! The beach has all most no waves to! and Gracie is very...

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Our Kayak Trip

Our Kayak Trip

helloooooooooo today i am going to tell you about our kayak trip.We drove in a car to the boat launch and pumped up our kayak.We got in the water and we were off. We paddled for awhile and then stopped for lunch.Then we were off again. We went the exciting...

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Gracie and the Crab

Gracie and the Crab

Hello everybody I have been waiting to tell you about Gracie's adventure. So I was in my bed room and Kaden was sleeping. Mommy came to get me. I went outside I found Gracie barking at a crab! She had made sure the crab was under a rock.  It...

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My Friend Comes to Visit

My Friend Comes to Visit

Hello!  Today i am going to tell you about my friend. Her name is Ayulena. She lives in Nicaragua, in Ciudad Dario. She lives with her grandma. She goes to school.  She is very happy. She came to visit us here on the Corn islands.  She had a lot...

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CRCibernetica in Costa Rica

CRCibernetica in Costa Rica

How did we get to the robotics lab in San Jose, Costa Rica? We drove in a taxi.  It was CRAZY!  Taxi drivers in Costa Rica are crazy!  We made it safe though. Who owns the robotic lab? Our cousin Bently does! What was your favorite part of the lab? The...

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