My seashells

My seashells

I love my seashells. I really want to know how you are doing in Canada. I really hope to know if you like this blog post.  I love my seashells cause I found them on the beach all by myself. I just love my seashells. I saw lots of fish in the water. Oh how nice. Can...
Things to do in winter

Things to do in winter

Special!! For Michelle’s English Class: This is a blog post about things to do in winter.  I really want to know how you are doing in your class?  I heard that there is no Chinese in your class!  Oh how I want to know how you are doing?  I can’t wait to...
The Ice Festival

The Ice Festival

I like the ice festival. I love the ice festival. Do you love ice? I really really liked the ice festival.  I know the ice festival was pretty because I was there.  I know that the ice carvings were made by people, not by a machine.  They weren’t robots they...