A bike ride

A bike ride

Look up! They grow gardens everywhere in Taiwan!  I am getting bored of seeing gardens there are so many.(Jking) Bike riding in Taiwan is fun to do.  Especially on the bike trail.  You are semi safe on the bike trail cause there are scooters and other bikes that...
Flaggers in Taiwan

Flaggers in Taiwan

On our way to go hiking we saw a flagger. A flagger in Taiwan is different because it does not have legs. Are flaggers in Taiwan pretty?  I don’t think so. Are they smart?  NO! They are not smart. I want you to know that a flagger is not a person here in...
Sewing a pillow!

Sewing a pillow!

  Sewing: What did you do first?  I picked the designs.   That was fun.  My Grandma’s new sewing machine you just put a design in, choose your colors then follow the pattern.  When the colors are in you watch it work!  I loved the sewing machine. Then came...