What did you do first? I picked the designs. That was fun. My Grandma’s new sewing machine you just put a design in, choose your colors then follow the pattern. When the colors are in you watch it work! I loved the sewing machine.
Then came the hard part, practicing! When I sew I have to concentrate a lot. Am I an expert yet? No,but I’m learning. Grandma is my teacher. I love grandma. This was the second time I used a sewing machine.
Do they look the same as sewing machine in Nicaragua? No! The sewing machines I saw in Nicaragua were old fashioned.
I am sewing a pillow.
Good bye

A very special machine hard at work in Nicaragua!

This is the sewing machine my Grandma lets me practice on.

Where is a picture of the finished pillow?
Good job on concentrating so hard to do this sewing Kayla 💗💗
Man I wish I could sew! Your grandma tried to teach me and it took me all week long to quilt a blanket, I still use it today and love it! But I can’t remember anything I learned! So glad you are learning!