My House in Nicagarua

My House in Nicagarua

My house in Nicarauga is very beautiful. I love it love it! LOVE it! It has two bathrooms and I don’t know how many rooms because they are so many. There was one room we couldn’t open. We called it the mystery room. My Daddy had to take off the door nob to...
Mexico City

Mexico City

We headed to our hotel because not overbooked but over weight! So we had to go to a hotel to stay there for one night before we went to Nicaragua. The Mexican Airport is very different. We have to ride on a bus to get to our airplane. I was very sad when the plane got...

On the farm riding a horse

Today I am going to be writing a blog about riding a horse at a farm. I love riding horses. I love them so much, I love it more than watching TV! So would you like to ride a horse? This is the name of the horse. The name of the horse I was riding is Star. I really...
My First Lost Tooth

My First Lost Tooth

I was wiggling my tooth today and I thought it was a cherry seed and I pulled it out and it was my tooth! I said “Hey! My tooth just fell out!” Everybody was excited. This is what they said,”Hooray! Hooray Hoorayy!” Then I asked how much will I...

How To Take Care Of a Dog

I want my own dog. I want to brush my dog.  I want to feed my dog wild grouse and dog food.  I love taking care of a dog because I have been feeding Kiera and taking care of her. Well kind of taking care of her.  But I have not washed her because it is winter time...