Written by Kayla’s Mom so she can learn information about the language she is learning:
This is the history of the language:
The Creole Miskito language developed from large amounts of African people who were slaves from British owners who settled in the area. A country called Britain ruled at the time from 1740 to 1787 and the area we are in right now, the Corn Islands, stayed under their rule until last century, the which is called the 19th century.
The British brought people to work for them here on the Islands that came from Jamaica. Jamaica is a small group of islands here in the Caribean sea. That is where the language Creole Miskito came from! So this language is only a few hundred years old. The children that live here on the Islands are one of the few people in the world that understand and speak it. That is pretty amazing.
Slowly over time, more people who spoke Spanish came to the Islands. Now many of the people who speak Creole Miskito also speak English and Spanish.
Here are some recordings of the language we have heard around the island. I hope you enjoy the Jamaican sounds to their voices as we have the opportunity to listen to such a unique language here on the Corn Islands.
Explaining Creole
Good morning
Listening to a conversation
How old are you?
Facts about the Miskito Coast Creole language on the Corn Islands
- The Creole Language is not recognized as an official language.
- It has no script or written language
- There are about 30 000 known speakers of this language
- It is a dialect of Jamaican Patois
- The language is nearly identical to Belizean Creole

What a lovely friend you have. That watermelon looks soooooooo GOOD! I haven’t had watermelon in a very long time. Maybe once I get back to Canada ☺
I really love you Teto. I want to know how you are doing in Hawaii. I really miss you Teto.
Love Kayla
It’s beautiful to listen to ☺️ Maybe you’ll come back with an accent 🤗. Thanks for sharing.
Kayla, I know it is a lot of travelling from new home to new home but you know what? Your heart is learning to grow in love for ALL sorts of different people of all tribes, tongues and nations. I am so proud of you and pray your heart can take joy in these new experiences! I love you!
Becca, I want to know how you are doing? I am wondering when I am going to see you again? What are you doing today? I want to see you soon. Bye Kayla