Flaggers in Taiwan

Flaggers in Taiwan

On our way to go hiking we saw a flagger. A flagger in Taiwan is different because it does not have legs. Are flaggers in Taiwan pretty?  I don’t think so. Are they smart?  NO! They are not smart. I want you to know that a flagger is not a person here in...
Bye Bye Canada! Hello Taiwan!

Bye Bye Canada! Hello Taiwan!

Today I am travelling to Taiwan.  Woe what a trip!  It took 12 hours. 12 whole hours!  Can you believe it?  It almost took a whole day to get there AND I had to ride on a train afterwards. We flew over a lot of countries.  We saw Alaska!  I was just about to say...

The ice cream truck that’s not an ice cream truck!

Watch my video to see it in action! You give the garbage bags to somebody who is working on the truck.  The garbage truck sings!   I like singing garbage trucks.   If you ever see one, please pass them your garbage. Bye bye. . See you later,...